Therefore, saving you time involving in typing of narration, each & every time afresh. Other than this you can customize any number of narrations as per your need. So, recording only in one single voucher, which will be posted to the respective ledgers. Marg offers tons of features and facilities but lets us go through the most prominent ones first. Though the basic software is free, however, you need to pay for more Add-on integration.įind the latest price available with a discount at Amazon. Other than the above Marg also comes with some features that are not seen in other software. These Add-ons do not come free with the accounting software. There are several Add-ons that we can choose such as The billing system of Marg ERP 9 + is advanced yet easy to use. It offers comprehensive financial accounting features like interest calculation, bank reconciliation, age schedule for creditors and debtors, sales and purchase registers, and many more.

You can even maintain your personal directories. and manage your purchase returns and sales returns. You can create and customize an invoice, bills, sales receipt, purchase order, etc. Therefore, helping you control your business better. It is primarily aimed at small and midsized businesses. Marg is real accounting and inventory management software developed by MARG Compusoft private limited. This article seeks to understand if it’s worth your business.